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Training practice

Registrars and medical students

The Underwood Surgery is a training practice. The surgery will thus often have registrar/foundation doctors working in the team. These are experienced doctors completing their training. There may also be community students attached to the surgery.

Registrars are required to video some of their consultations as part of their training. Our registrars video at the main surgery on Tuesday mornings. If a video surgery is being run you will be informed of this when you make an appointment, and when you arrive at the Surgery.

You will asked to sign a consent form before and after the consultation and the practice will understand if you feel that you do not want your consultation videoed. However please note that all videos are kept confidential and are destroyed when no longer required. It helps registrars’ training if you can agree to be videoed on a Tuesday morning.

Medical students also occasionally visit the surgery. They find it useful for their training to see patients with unusual conditions or signs.

Page published: 11 March 2024
Last updated: 11 March 2024